Ease & Consistency

“Home Chores & A Lesson’s Score” One day while cleaning the kitchen, I noticed a small stain on the floor. It appeared to be residue from a prior spill that went unnoticed and dried onto the tile. The moment I saw it, I put extra cleaner on the spot and began mopping vigorously. I putContinue reading “Ease & Consistency”

GOD’s Love On Top

“Faith To Forgive” Part I While volunteering, the Holy Spirit highlighted old trauma residue. The “right move” was arduous to discern. With five minutes to make a decision, my mind, heart and Spirit played hopscotch. I asked God for help and learned something interesting about love. When the residual effects of trauma play out inContinue reading “GOD’s Love On Top”


Lipton Lessons With Blessings. TEA & POSSIBILITIEShttps://youtu.be/ohfI1nVskxE LIPTON LESSONS Tea brewed. Love abided in the present. A divine wink stapled itself to Lipton’s string. God halted concerns and hesitation with a tiny note of encouragement. The tagline served as an instruction for us. “Embrace a world of possibili-teas”. After sweating my edges out through trialsContinue reading “TEA & POSSIBILITIES”